Saturday, March 30, 2013


Christ's Story..(Christ August)
About his song, 7x70..everyone have different story..

7x70 was the last song I wrote for this album. We were 2 days away from tracking when Ed Cash told me he felt I still needed a personal song for my record. Unaware of my family background, he asked me to go home that night and write about what hurt me as I was growing up. I wrote the first verse of 7x70 later that evening.
After playing my idea for him the following morning, he looked over to me with tears in his eyes and said, "this song has to be on your record and it has to be about forgiveness." This was the last thing I wanted to hear and have to go through while making my album, but nonetheless it was something that needed to happen.
The following few days consisted of us being surrounded by the Holy Spirit like I've never felt before. This was, without a doubt, the most personal song I had ever taken on and it required a mind set on prayer.
I come from a broken home. Better yet, a broken family. Parents screaming at each other and frustrations were commonly taken out on my brother, my sister and me. As the lyrics started to come to mind, so did all the memories of my past that I hadn't thought about in years. Some lines bringing smiles and some bringing another set of pains that I needed to forgive.
Jesus was asked how many times we should forgive our brother. His answer was seventy times seven. God has called us to forgive. It's one of the most difficult things I've had to do, but it was also one of the most freeing things. With forgiveness comes healing. Satan uses the bitterness that we build up in our hearts. For years I told myself that what happened when I was younger didn't affect me. It wasn't until Ed Cash made me relive those memories and told me I need to forgive them. I encourage you to do the same.

I've been living in this house here
Since the day that I was born
These walls have seen me happy
But most of all they've seen me torn
They have heard the screaming matches
That made a family fall apart
They've had a front row seat for the breaking of my heart
Seven times seventy times
I'll do what it takes to make it right
I thought the pain was here to stay
But forgiveness made a way
Seven times seventy times
There's healing in the air tonight
I'm reaching up to pull it down
Gonna wrap it all around
I remember running down the hallway playing hide and seek
I didn't know that I was searching for someone to notice me
I felt alone and undiscovered
And old enough to understand
Just when I'm supposed to be learning to love
You let me down again
I lost count of the ways you let me down
But no matter how many times you weren't around
I'm alright now…cause
God picked up my heart and helped me through
And shined light on the one thing left to do
And that's forgive you, I forgive you
Seven times seventy times if that’s the cost I'll pay the price

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Sista !

chut a.k.a. kak chel a.k.a. RACHEL ... my wonderful sister ... ♥

your love & care has always given me strength to win against all odds & given me a reason to smile....:')

a sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life...

a sister like you is someone who will understand in every situation your concern is real...

someone who knows my needs, who knows the way i feel...i am richly blessed to have a sister like you...

you always make realise, that you are always there for me...:)

that how special you are in my life...and how great we feel together...tears of joy...i shed when i feel how much we mean to each other....

whatever you do, they'll still be there....that is the real sister...


praying that God shines upon you more and more...;)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Allan N. with Long Wavy Hairstyle [soon...]

I will be changing my hairstyle soon...but 1st, wanna keep my hair long...hehe...

now....simple hairstyle...long straight hair..

soon...Allan N. with longgggg wavyyyy hairstyle....hehe
Just wait and see...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Love, Pain, Distance, Emotions, Together

I woke up this morning, before the alarm rang.

I suddenly felt a sense of massive hollowness. A sense of pointlessness, emptiness.

My mind flickered with thoughts of you. How it felt like I need you so much more than you need me. How I have reached out to you far too often, yet you seem not to care much.

It seems like from somewhere an invisible distance had been created between us.


I feel as if I am slowly loosing some parts of you. I still have so much love for you, yet sometimes this becomes pain for me. However I rather endure the pain than to live without you in my life. There are so many days where I suffer, wondering how you mean so much to me, how so many moments during a day you enter and stay in my mind. Yet at times I wonder if you feel the same?

Emotions carry us around at times, we are left at the mercy of it. At times unable to control our brain because our heart has a greater power over all.

Around you I still become nervous,

my heart and mind still races ahead in your presence.

I become overwhelm,

at times this causes me to not know what to say.

I withdraw a little,

hoping you will reach out.

It hurts when you don’t.

Love can lift us so high up at times.

Yet it can drop us so low

I look up at the sky every night. I glaze up at the stars. Wish upon a star that one day I can be complete.

I have forgotten what it’s like to be “normal.”

To feel without pain.

To love with return.

At night when I am asleep, I dream that I am waiting for you by the shore.

It gets cold.

I stand alone.


And finally you appear,

we were apart but the wait was worth it.

With you by my side,

everything seems great.

My life is complete once again...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2 in 1

when 2 become 1...

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. ~ Kay Knudsen

In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged. ~ Hans Nouwens

If the only place where I could see you was in my dreams, I'd sleep forever. ~ Anonymous

Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart. ~ Anonymous

A boy makes his girl jealous of other woman. A gentleman makes other women jealous of his girl. ~ Unknown

Every girl is jealous of someone. So next time you’re looking at someone thinking, “I wish I was that pretty,” remember someone is thinking that about you. ~ Unknown

DISTANCE makes the heart grow it true?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Waktu dan Cinta ♡♥

Alkisah di suatu pulau kecil, tinggallah berbagai macam benda-benda abstrak: ada Cinta, Kesedihan, Kekayaan, Kegembiraan dan sebagainya.

Mereka hidup berdampingan dengan baik. Namun suatu ketika, datang badai menghempas pulau kecil itu dan air laut tiba-tiba naik dan akan menenggelamkan pulau itu. Semua penghuni pulau cepat-cepat berusaha menyelamatkan diri. Cinta sangat kebingungan sebab ia tidak dapat berenang dan tak mempunyai perahu.

Ia berdiri di tepi pantai mencoba mencari pertolongan. Sementara itu air makin naik membasahi kaki Cinta. Tak lama Cinta melihat Kekayaan sedang mengayuh perahu.

“Kekayaan! Kekayaan! Tolong aku!” teriak Cinta.

“Aduh! Maaf, Cinta!” kata Kekayaan, “Perahuku telah penuh dengan harta bendaku. Aku tak dapat membawamu serta, nanti perahu ini tenggelam. Lagipula tak ada tempat lagi bagimu di perahuku ini.”

Lalu Kekayaan cepat-cepat mengayuh perahunya pergi.

Cinta sedih sekali, namun kemudian dilihatnya Kegembiraan lewat dengan perahunya. “Kegembiraan! Tolong aku!”, teriak Cinta.

Namun Kegembiraan terlalu gembira karena ia menemukan perahu sehingga ia tak mendengar teriakan Cinta.

Air makin tinggi membasahi Cinta sampai ke pinggang dan Cinta semakin panik.

Tak lama lewatlah Kecantikan.

“Kecantikan! Bawalah aku bersamamu!”, teriak Cinta.

“Wah, Cinta, kamu basah dan kotor. Aku tak bisa membawamu ikut. Nanti kamu mengotori perahuku yang indah ini.” sahut Kecantikan.

Cinta sedih sekali mendengarnya.

Ia mulai menangis terisak-isak. Saat itu lewatlah Kesedihan.

“Oh, Kesedihan, bawalah aku bersamamu,” kata Cinta.

“Maaf, Cinta. Aku sedang sedih dan aku ingin sendirian saja…” kata Kesedihan sambil terus mengayuh perahunya.

Cinta putus asa. Ia merasakan air makin naik dan akan menenggelamkannya.

Pada saat kritis itulah tiba-tiba terdengar suara, “Cinta! Mari cepat naik ke perahuku!”

Cinta menoleh ke arah suara itu dan melihat seorang tua dengan perahunya. Cepat-cepat Cinta naik ke perahu itu, tepat sebelum air menenggelamkannya.

Di pulau terdekat, orang tua itu menurunkan Cinta dan segera pergi lagi.

Pada saat itu barulah Cinta sadar bahwa ia sama sekali tidak mengetahui siapa orang tua yang menyelamatkannya itu.

Cinta segera menanyakannya kepada seorang penduduk tua di pulau itu, siapa sebenarnya orang tua itu.

“Oh, orang tua tadi? Dia adalah Waktu.” kata orang itu.

“Tapi, mengapa ia menyelamatkanku? Aku tak mengenalnya. Bahkan teman-teman yang mengenalku pun enggan menolongku” tanya Cinta heran.

“Sebab,” kata orang itu, “Hanya Waktu lah yang tahu berapa nilai sesungguhnya dari Cinta itu.”

Monday, March 26, 2012

Rahsia COUPLING yang TIDAK bakal putus ! [everlasting LOVE]

Zaman sekarang, anak-anak muda sering putus-sambung-ganti..bahkan ada kalimat SELINGKUH dalam perhubungan anak-anak muda..maksudnya perbuatan SELINGKUH bukan sahaja dalam kalangan suami-isteri, tetapi dalam perhubungan anak-anak muda..apakah itu adalah rencana Tuhan bagi anak muda zaman sekarang untuk masuk ke pernikahan dengan cara putus-sambung-cuba-cuba-ganti?

Tentu tidak, kerana Pola Tuhan dalam mempersiapkan manusia ciptaanNya untuk masuk dalam pernikahan tidak pernah berubah dari masa ke masa, iaitu: DIMULAI DARI HUBUNGAN TEMAN, KEMUDIAN BERSAHABAT,

JADI apa rahsianya..?

Rahsianya ada dalam Firman Tuhan di Pengkotbah 4:12b “tali tiga lembar tak mudah diputuskan.”...

DI dalam dunia, ada pengenalan sebuah anyaman tali baru yang bisa kuat kalau anyaman itu hanya terdiri daripada 3 lembar tali sahaja...

Jika tali yang terdiri daripada anyaman 2 lembar atau lebih dari 3 lembar, maka tali itu tidak akan kuat dan mudah putus. Saat menganyam tali, 3 lembar tali dijajarkan, di mana lembar tali yang berada di tengah tidak bergerak, sedangkan lembar di kiri dan kanan yang bergerak dipilin ke lembar yang di tengah ganti bergantian, terus menerus sampai lembar tali teranyam dari ujung yang satu ke ujung lainnya.

Tiga lembar tali yang dimaksud Pengkotbah adalah kedua orang muda yang sedang membangun hubungan dan Tuhan; di mana Tuhan adalah lembar tali yang berada di tengah-tengah. Tuhan adalah lembar yang menjadi pautan lembar tali kiri dan kanan untuk dianyam, lembar di tengah adalah yang menjadi penyatu antara lembar yang kiri dan yang kanan. Tanpa adanya lembar yang di tengah maka lembar kiri dan kanan tidak akan dapat menyatu dengan kuat, tali demikian tidak akan dapat tahan dalam goncangan dan tarikan beban yang besar...

Hubungan dua orang yang sedang “pacaran” tidak akan dapat bertahan jika tidak mempersilakan Tuhan hadir di tengah-tengah mereka. Tapi sebenarnya dengan menghadirkan Tuhan dalam hubungan mereka (misalnya dalam pacaran tetap menghadiri kegiatan-kegiatan Kristen) tapi tidak pernah melibatkan DIA dalam proses yang berjalan (baik sedang dalam konflik atau tidak), tidak akan berguna; kerana itu ibaratnya seperti 3 lembar tali dijajarkan, tapi tali yang di tengah tidak pernah dijalin oleh lembar yang di kiri maupun yang di kanan.

Bagaimana “Melibatkan TUHAN” dalam coupling?

* Sedari kehadiranNYA sentiasa ada di manapun termasuk saat sedang berdua dengan pujaan hati, baik dalam keadaan “happy” maupun dalam keadaan “conflict”. Inilah yang disebut IMAN seperti yang dikatakan oleh Hebrews 11:6a “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists...”

* Kalau sudah bisa menyedari kehadiranNYA, langkah berikutnya..berdialoglah dengan DIA; baik sekadar curhat hati yang “happy” maupun minta pertolongan saat sedang “conflict”. Kalau lakukan ini, maka inilah saat lembar sedang dijalin/dianyam dengan lembar yang di tengah.

* Hasilnya tentu dapat memberikan reaksi (ekspresi) terhadap keadaan “happy” atau “conflict” dengan cara yang benar sesuai dengan kehendakNya. Hasilnya tentu semakin baik. Sebab hanya cara menghadapi konflik yang benar yang justru akan mempererat hubungan antara dua sejoli bukan sebaliknya.

Teori memang mudah tapi praktiknya susah...betul kan..? belajarlah untuk pratikkannya yahh...

~ I wanna GROW OLD with you...