Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Love Malaysia..♥✞

we say that we loves MALAYSIA,
but sometimes,
when bad thinks happen,
still us alone who cursed our country,


to be honest,
sometimes, i am doing that,
but it is wrong!!!


let us learn,
that how ever the conditions going bad,
and seems to be darker,
we want keep to say blessed for our country,
and how ever we feel tired to this country,
just remember,
How Jesus Loves MALAYSIA,


who do we think we are,
dare to judge God Lovely things!!!


start to say good things,
start to stand out His Righteousness,
start to be a shining star of this country,
start to prepare receive a miracle,


and He Loves us too...♥✞

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mau kasi title apa..? :-D

ini yg ku rsa tme tnggu rsult spm.....huh???!!! aahhh??!! what..??! haizzz! ARGGGGHHH!!! stress!! stress di rumah melampaui stress tme msih skola..

baru ku tau rsanya...kalu dulu, tme skola..bngun awl2 pg skola,then ptg ada2 saja xtvt skola..smpai pkul 6 ptg bru balik rmh..haiyoo..tp mmg best...kalu balik saja, makan, mandi, blajar, trus tdur...aha! teda fikir pasal fmly bha..kalu hujung2 mnggu tu, busy bt kerja rmh, kdg2 ada jgk extra class..ahad pg chuz..so kirakn padat jgak la jdual harian sy ni..hehe...kalu cuti sminggu tu, mmg happy..rsa mau teriakk saja...aha!


apabla suda dpt cuti panjang..nahhh! ambk kau! ahahah..apa rsanya allan..? best..?

huh?! dduk hdap skrin..typing...typing...typing..ntah apa yg di type...kalu la ktrg ni ada sayap kan...suda sy terbang sana sini..travel2...chewahh..mau jadi burung la plak...jgn saja ssat, puas2 travel...ahaha! kalu jd ikan lg best kn..kot..aha! hdup dlm air saja..tak mau la...haha! bersyukurlah jd manusia..kan2..

pernah skali sy tfkr..misalnya, Tuhan mau buat sy (msih di kandungn ibu), Dia tnya sy dulu sblum dkenal pasti jantinanya apa.."kamu mau jd boy or girl..?" waaa...aha! tu bru dia...*ini adalah rekaan semata-mata..*

sy bersyukur kerana sy perempuan..lelaki harus bersyukur jgk...apapun kta, kta adalah kta...kamu dan sy adalah ciptaan yg unik...

ya iyaaa donggg! hehehe..

hurmm...apa lg sy mau type ou....think!think!

blurrr sy suda bha...hehe...ok la..itu saja sy mau type...ngeee~

oya!! apa sy mau bg title post sy ni ou...ABCDE??

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dream what I want to dream..

my dream....

dari dulu sampai selama-lamanya...

suatu hari nanti...saya akan...

♡ memilikki sebuah kereta yang mewah...Hyundai Sonata Turbo..AMEN!

~ dari depan ~

~ dari belakang ~

~ dari tepi ~

~ dari atas ~

cantik kan...hehe..

♡ melancong ke sana dan ke mari...

island yang ingin saya kunjungi...Moorea Island in French Polynesia..


Bora Bora Island..AMEN!

***to be continue...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Some of My Favorite Qoutes

semua ini saya dapat daripada buku-buku, artikel-artikel yang pernah saya baca..dan khotbah-khotbah yang pernah saya dengar...renung-renungkanlah..JESUS BLESS~

♥ Cinta dimulai dengan sebuah senyuman, bertumbuh dengan sebuah ciuman dan berakhir dengan tetesan air mata.

♥✞ Waktu kamu lahir, kamu menangis dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu tersenyum - jalanilah hidupmu sehingga pada waktu kamu meninggal, kamu tersenyum dan orang-orang di sekelilingmu menangis.

♡ You are unique—God created you the way you are. Be thankful!

♥ God gave us gifts and wants us to focus on our potential instead of our limitations.

♥✞ Have a dream and make it real!

♡ Get love, not lust. Earn respect, not pride. Speak kindness, not hatred. Fear nothing, but God.

♥ God gives you a dream to initiate a journey.

♥✞ Love CREATES emotion,but love isnt a feeling.Love is a CHOICE. If u act loving the,feelings will return.

♡ A good relationship brings good influence to our character, attitude, behaviour and perspective.

♥ Life is about taking that one right step. Then another. And another. Until one day u realize u are where u want to be.

♥✞ We do the best, God will take care the rest.

♡ Di mana ada kerajinan, di situ jugalah karya Tuhan yang luar biasa dinyatakan.

♥ It's not how u start tat is important, it's how u finish..

♥✞ If u can imagine it, u can create it...if u dream it, u can become it..]

♡ Kesombongan adalah awal dari kejatuhan..

♥ Keterbukaan adalah awal dari pemulihan.

♥✞ GUARD UR GATE: wat's the gate of ur mind???...it's ur eyes & ears...filter wat comes in..

♡ When u can be kind, even though u've been hurt...u've grown to a special level of maturity.

♥ Every1 shud b quick 2 listen, slow 2 speak & slow 2 become angry, 4 man's anger doesn't bring about the righteous life tat God desires..

♥✞ Utk mmimpin org lain kluar dari kegelapan..biarkanlah mereka melihat terang anda dahulu..

♡ Saya tidak dapat berbuat SEGALA sesuatu, tetapi saya masih dapat berbuat sesuatu.

♥ ”single” & “in a relationship” are just terms..ur actions actually determine ur status.

♥✞ Gud looks attract the eyes...gud personality attracts the heart..

♡ Just b who God created u 2b...nothing more & nothing less !

♥ Berani berubah berani terbuka..respon benar membentuk kedewasaan..tidak ada kemuliaan tanpa pengorbanan.

♥✞ Love is godliness in action.

♡ Hebat mjdkn sy no. 1..tp unik mjdkn sy satu2nya.

♥ Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place.

♥✞ Tidak penting bagimu mengetahui harganya, tetapi penting mengetahui nilainya.

♡ Faithful servants never retire...You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving God.

♥ My first kiss is my wedding kiss..

♥✞ Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do..

♡ Cepat atau lambat, pemenang adalah mereka yang berpikir bahawa mereka dapat menang.

sebenarnya masih banyak lagi kata-kata Mutiara yang saya suka..nanti saya tambah-tambah lagi ya..hehe..GBU!