Monday, May 23, 2011

How to score A in SPM (BIOLOGY) ..

How to Score A(s) in SPM Biology (3 Berry Berry Easy Level) : MMM

"In Biology, the MMM method will be needed to score A. What is the MMM method that Berry Berry Teacher recommends? To use this method to score A in SPM Biology, you will be needing a high memory capacity and passion towards this Berry Berry Easy subject. With Berry Berry teacher’s tips, you will definitely score A in SPM Biology. Biology is a subject that needs a lot of memorization in the structures, processes and concepts. Berry Berry big memory capacity!"

M - Memory level: You must memorise the structures and mechanisms, from a simple cell structure to the most complicated anatomy structure. Besides that, the heart structure and blood circulation are important topic that you must memorise too! Try to visualize the process (or you can try to find some interesting video online).This will help you in paper 2 (essay) which requires you to explain the processes and methods.

M - Maintained level: You must maintain your memory level at the highest level by writing out important data and keywords repeatedly (as many time as possible). The best method would be to get more sample essays and start to memorise it everyday. Try to get few friends to prepare important notes. It will save a lot of time in the preparation of Biology notes and free up more time for your revision.

M - Mastery level: You must find important keywords. Start practicing from keywords for the essays (P2). Write essays regularly. If possible, an essay per day. You will definitely score an A in SPM Biology. Besides that, you must also master the food testing experiment, respiration mechanisms, blood circulation and digestion. The aforementioned topics are the few Berry Berry Important Topics that you must maste.

After reading these notes, you will find that Biology is a Berry Berry Easy subject to learn and you will definitely score A in Biology!

SPM Chemistry 2010 - Extra Tips and Predictions for Paper 3

In previous years, SPM Chemistry Paper 3 (2004-2009) has comprises of 2-3 questions with the last question typically comprise of "Planning of Experiment". Detailed information can be found from the list below:

SPM 2003 - 3 questions (No.3 - Hardness of iron and steel or Resistance to rusting of iron and steel)
SPM 2004 - 3 questions (No.3 - Carbon Compound: Esters)
SPM 2005 - 3 questions (No.3 - Choose one: Alloy or Rate of reaction)
SPM 2006 - 2 questions (No.2 - Vulcanised and Unvulcanised rubber)
SPM 2007 - 2 questions (No.2 - Electrochemical cell)
SPM 2008 - 2 questions (No.2 - Group 1 - Periodic Table)
SPM 2009 - 2 questions (No.2 - Salt - pH)
SPM 2010 - 2 questions
The last question (planning of experiment) of Paper 3 consists of 17 marks.

Based on the analysis, the questions will be ask within the Form 4 or Form 5 syllabus (Can be recommended PEKA experiments or not PEKA experiments) (It is not only Form 4 as rumoured) The question will comprise of the following part such as:

a) Statement of the problem (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009)
b) Aim of experiment (2004, 2006, 2008)
c) All the variables (2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
d) Statement of the hypothesis (2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
e) List of substances and apparatus (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
f) Procedure of the experiment (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
g) Tabulation of data (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

BIT Paper 3 (SPM 2010)

From above analysis, the predicted SPM 2010 last question in Paper 3 is:

a) Aim of experiment
b) All the variables
c) Statement of the hypothesis
d) List of substances and apparatus
e) Procedure of the experiment
f) Tabulation of data

Each section the maximum marks will be 3 marks (3 x 6 = 18 marks). But the marks provided is 17 marks, so this would depend on the marking scheme either 1 mark will be an extra point or one of the part (a) or (f) would be 2 marks.

How to answer the question?

a) Statement of the problem: It always must be a question and ended with question mark. Read the question well and you will find it in the hint in the question. Start your statement of the problem with "How does manipulated variable affect responding variable?" or "Does increasing/decreasing manipulated variable increase/decrease the responding variable?"

b) Aim of experiment: It always must be a statement and ended with full stop. Start your aim of experiment with "To compare.. " / "To investigate.. " / "To study.. "

c) All the variables: List out all the variables and separate each variable in the following sequence.

Manipulated variable: (axis-x values)
Responding variable: (axis-y values)
Constant variable:
d) Statement of the hypothesis: It always must be a statement and ended with full stop. "The manipulated variable, the higher/lower/increase/decrease responding variable".

Important note: Must follow the sequence (always start with manipulated variable and follow by responding variable).

e) List of substances and apparatus: Always separate substance and apparatus even though this is in one section. Must list everything completely to get 3 marks!

Substances: (the same meaning with materials in PEKA experiments)

Important note: Solution: try to give the concentration of the solution (always in the range of 0.1 - 1.0 mol dm-3) and concentrated solution (>1.0 mol dm-3)


0.1 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid
0.5 mol dm-3 of nitric acid
1.0 mol dm-3 copper(II) suphate solution
0.5 mol dm-3 NaOH, zinc powder ....
Apparatus: try to list as complete as possible (everything that can be reused in the experiment)


Stop watch
measuring cylinder
retort stand
conical flask
filter funnel
tongs ..
f) Procedure of the experiment: This is the hardest part to get full marks (3 marks). You need to write the procedure as complete as possible which means all steps are to be written in detail. Berry Teacher would recommend the sentence should be written in passive form sentence (same in PEKA) and it can be present or past tense (no penalty). And try to uniform it. From the previous SPM Paper 3 record, there is no penalty if you write in active form sentence but not in PEKA report!

g) Tabulation of data: This is the easiest part to get one mark, as long as you draw a table (empty table / box), you will be given at least one mark. Remember to write unit in the manipulated variable column and responding variable column!

So there you go, all you need to know about the last question “Planning of an Experiment” for SPM Chemistry 2010 Paper 3. Do share this important tips/answering technique with all your friends.


The parable of the talents is commonly understood to challenge us about how we are using the abilities God has given us. But consider another possible understanding: that Jesus is talking about the knowledge of God.

The Bible teaches that, because the visible creation displays the nature of God, none of us can say 'I didn't know'. Every human being is exposed to the knowledge of God from the moment of his birth.

Some people, because of the culture in which they grow up, are exposed to further knowledge of God from the teaching of their society, their parents, or from the Bible. Still others are taught about Jesus Christ, the One who claimed to be identical with God.

The Bible also teaches that the normal human response is to put aside, distort, dilute or deny whatever aspects of the truth we have. Could this perhaps be the meaning of the 'one talent' servant in this parable? Is Jesus here teaching: Build on the knowledge of God that you have - don't let it stagnate, don't put it aside, don't swap it for human ideologies or human opinion, don't hide it away in a box, don't be afraid of finding God's real absolute truth.

And could the message of the other two servants be: Maximize your knowledge of God, work on it, develop it, search out its meaning and its radical implications, with a bold daring dig deeper into the truth, until you find the truth that is the true truth about the one true God: absolute - for all people, in all places, at all times.

Among those who listened to Jesus were people who had some knowledge of God - they had access to both the knowledge of God in creation and the knowlege of God in the Old Testament scriptures, but they had perverted it, misunderstood it, and buried it so deeply under their own perceptions that they had lost it.

Such is the nature of true truth: as soon as we bury it, as soon as we distort it or corrupt it with some ideas of our own, it ceases to be true truth. It becomes at best powerless and useless error, at worst destructive heresy. But, when we embrace it and believe it, it opens up our understanding to deeper levels of truth; it redeems us from our ignorance of God and liberates us into the present and future eternity of a life-giving relationship with God.

So Jesus said: 'everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.'

'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'

Scriptures: Matthew 25:14-30; Romans 1:18-32; John 10:30; 14:6-9; John 5:31-47; 8:19; 8:32; 17:3; 1John 5:12; Jeremiah 29:13.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Love in Action

I am going to surprise my mummy and daddy. I will do something nice for them. I will give each of them a hug, or tell them a joke to make them laugh. 

Love comes from GOD. It is an action word as well was a "now"word.This means doing something good for someone right now. Look around, can you find someone to show God's love? 

Is there someone who comes to your mind, a friend or family member, who would be honoured and encouraged by an expression of your love and appreciation? Then do something to show it, while the person is still alive.

Show love to others young and old,
Encourage them while they are near, 
For when they've gone to their world,
Your loudest praise they will not hear. (by, D. De Haan)

Give praise to others while they are here; they won't need it in the hereafter. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

7 Kebaikan Ketawa

Berikut adalah 7 kebaikan ketawa di mana setiap orang dapat mengalaminya..

1. Mengurangkan Stres
Meningkatnya stres akan menurunkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selama musim pancaroba, kita semua tahu kerugian yang akan kita dapati jika memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang rendah. Mungkin itulah sebabnya saya tampaknya lebih tertarik pada hal-hal yang dapat membuat saya tertawa di musim pancaroba dan juga di musim hujan. Tertawa meningkatkan jumlah antibody di dalam tubuh yang dapat membantu melawan jangkitan dan juga meningkatkan jumlah sel-sel kekebalan.
2. Dapat Menjadi Sukan Ringan
Tertawa dapat meningkatkan detak jantung anda, tahap tekanan darah meningkat, otot-otot wajah meregang, dan lebih banyak oksigen dihantar ke rangkaian dalam tubuh. Saya selalu berasa lebih baik setelah ketawa. Sebuah kajian yang dilakukan, salah satu hasilnya mendedahkan ketawa seminit sama halnya dengan 10 minit mendayung mesin. Kerana saya selalu dikejar waktu dan tidak mempunyai mesin dayung, ketawa setelah satu minit sepertinya dapat menjadi latihan yang baik bagi saya.
3. Membakar Kalori
Sebuah penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur jumlah kalori yang terbakar saat seseorang tertawa. Tentu saja, tawa yang ditahan tidak masuk dalam hitungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tawa yang tertumpu, sehingga anda harus mencari cara untuk dapat terus tertawa selama 10 hingga 15 minit. Selama waktu itu, anda seharusnya dapat membakar sekitar 50 kalori.
4. Mempertahankan Aliran Darah Muzik
Adakah anda pernah menonton drama atau filem seram dan mendapati diri anda mencengkam sofa mahupun lengan orang di samping anda? Tidak hanya tubuh anda yang merasa tegang dalam situasi ini, tetapi pembuluh darah anda juga demikian. Orang-orang yang diteliti saat menonton komedi mampu mempertahankan aliran darah yang normal sebagai kebalikan dari mereka yang menyaksikan filem-filem yang dramatik.
5. Menurunkan Kadar Gula Darah
Manfaat yang satu ini dapat menjadi berita bagus bagi para pesakit diabetes. Sebuah penelitian dilakukan pada sekelompok kecil orang yang terdiri daripada 19 orang. Penelitian ini termasuk memberi makan para peserta kemudian meminta mereka menghadiri ceramah yang serius tepat setelahnya. Kelompok ini kemudian diberikan makanan yang sama persis keesokan harinya dan diperintahkan untuk menonton komedi. Keputusan yang mengejutkan adalah kadar gula darah turun anggota kumpulan menurun setelah menonton komedi daripada saat mereka mendengar ceramah yang membosankan.
6. Tertawa Membuat Anda Merasa Baik Secara Keseluruhan
Saya tidak pernah merasa lelah setelah tertawa lepas. Adakah anda juga demikian? Saya mendapati bahawa tertawa membuat saya merasa lebih bahagia, lebih hidup dan lebih positif mengenai segala hal. Suami saya sangat hebat dalam membuat saya ketawa, yang saya sadari sangat berguna bagi saya. Hari-hari yang saya jalani sepertinya berjalan dengan lebih lancar ketika saya mempunyai sesuatu yang membuat saya tertawa.
7. Tertawa Dapat Membantu Anda Tidur Lebih Nyenyak Di Malam Hari
Norman Cousin menulis sebuah memoar di mana ia membincangkan pengalamannya sendiri akan manfaat dahsyat dari tawa. Dia telah didiagnosis menderita gangguan tulang belakang yang sangat menyakitkan. Dan ia menemukan dengan menonton siri komedi yang membuatnya tertawa sekurang-kurangnya selama 10 minit membolehkan dirinya untuk tidur selama beberapa jam tanpa rasa sakit.
Orang-orang skeptis percaya bahawa manfaat kesihatan tidak datang dari tertawa itu sendiri melainkan dari persekitaran yang mengelilingi seseorang. Siapa tahu, manfaat kesihatan yang sebenarnya merupakan kombinasi yang sempurna dari keduanya.

Male (28 JAN 2010)

Terkadang ada orang yang salah mendefinisikan konsep "bersikap kelakian". Mereka berfikir bahawa sikap kelakian itu

dengan merokok, mempunyai tatu di lengan, atau berani berkelahi dengan sesiapa saja. Padahal sikap kelakian ertinya

berani bertanggungjawab, jadi tidak ada kaitan dengan hal-hal lahiriah. Yunus mengajarkan kepada kita sebuah contoh

tentang bersikap kelakian yang sesungguhnya. Sikap tersebut muncul tatkala Tuhan mendatangkan badai besar yang

menghentam kapal yang ia tumpangi. Para penumpang kapal berteriak ketakutan. Bahkan, nakhoda kapal meminta agar

Yunus ikut berseru kepada Allahnya, untuk memohon keselamatan (ayat 6). Dalam situasi seperti itu Yunus bisa saja

bersikap tidak peduli. Apalagi ia masih boleh tidur nyenyak dan tidak terganggu dengan segala goncangan yang terjadi.

Pada saat itu tak seorang pun tahu bahawa badai tersebut terjadi kerana Allah sedang "mengejar" dirinya, sehingga ia

harus bertanggungjawab. Namun, Yunus bukanlah orang seperti itu. Dengan sikap kelakiannya, dia mengakui bahawa

badai tersebut terjadi akibat ulahnya-ia bersalah kepada Allah. Ia pun bukan sekadar mengakui kesalahan, melainkan

juga rela menerima konsekuensi kesalahannya, iaitu dilempar ke laut. Itulah sikap kelakian: berani mengakui kesalahan

dan menerima konsekuensinya. Sikap kelakian Yunus patut kita contohi. Tidak mudah untuk mengakui kesalahan

kita. Dan, lebih tidak mudah lagi untuk berani menanggung konsekuensi dari kesalahan kita. Akan tetapi, sikap

demikianlah yang harus kita tunjukkan jika kita ingin disebut sebagai orang yang BERSIKAP KELAKIAN.

Baca :  Yunus 1:4-17