Monday, May 23, 2011

How to score A in SPM (BIOLOGY) ..

How to Score A(s) in SPM Biology (3 Berry Berry Easy Level) : MMM

"In Biology, the MMM method will be needed to score A. What is the MMM method that Berry Berry Teacher recommends? To use this method to score A in SPM Biology, you will be needing a high memory capacity and passion towards this Berry Berry Easy subject. With Berry Berry teacher’s tips, you will definitely score A in SPM Biology. Biology is a subject that needs a lot of memorization in the structures, processes and concepts. Berry Berry big memory capacity!"

M - Memory level: You must memorise the structures and mechanisms, from a simple cell structure to the most complicated anatomy structure. Besides that, the heart structure and blood circulation are important topic that you must memorise too! Try to visualize the process (or you can try to find some interesting video online).This will help you in paper 2 (essay) which requires you to explain the processes and methods.

M - Maintained level: You must maintain your memory level at the highest level by writing out important data and keywords repeatedly (as many time as possible). The best method would be to get more sample essays and start to memorise it everyday. Try to get few friends to prepare important notes. It will save a lot of time in the preparation of Biology notes and free up more time for your revision.

M - Mastery level: You must find important keywords. Start practicing from keywords for the essays (P2). Write essays regularly. If possible, an essay per day. You will definitely score an A in SPM Biology. Besides that, you must also master the food testing experiment, respiration mechanisms, blood circulation and digestion. The aforementioned topics are the few Berry Berry Important Topics that you must maste.

After reading these notes, you will find that Biology is a Berry Berry Easy subject to learn and you will definitely score A in Biology!

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